понедельник, 30 декабря 2019 г.


Verjnuarmu decided that they needed reinforcements and they turned to Prince of Darkness for guidance. These players brought the much needed diversity to Verjnuarmu without compromising any of the heaviness. These vile creatures evoken from the depths of Hell were forced to toil with gruelling heaviness called Savo metal. Thus Verjnuarmu, certainly the only Savo metal band in the world, was born. Your basket is empty. verjnuarmu pimmeyvven ruhtinas

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In the middle of storm and freezing cold, the first song was accomplished.

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These players brought the much needed diversity to Verjnuarmu without compromising any of the heaviness. Verjnuarmu was ready to conquer the country Two of his most notorous assitants were summoned from Hell; Viitakemies to scourge the murder pimmfyvven and Woema to hammer the distorted bass.

Verjnuarmu - Kallavesj' * lyrics

And after proving their vile and vicious nature, they were accepted as members of Verjnuarmu. The orchestra pimmeybven lacked lead singer, who would know all the twists and turns of Savo dialect.

Verjnuarmu decided that they needed reinforcements and they turned to Prince of Darkness for guidance. These vile creatures evoken from pimmeyvvne depths of Hell were forced to toil with gruelling heaviness called Savo metal.

Vocals were taken care of together- Musta Savo wheezing meanly and Savon Surma grunting low-pitched.

The task of Savon Surma was to play bane guitar along with distorted low tunes of bass and the fate of Musta Savo was to beat the skins of war drums. Years passed by and Verjnuarmu sowed hatred throughout Savonia.

Sky was darkened by black clouds as Verjnuarmu began to play. Your basket is empty. Thus were metal and dialect of Savo bound together in an unholy alliance. Musta Savo and Savon Surma immediately decided to add him to their ranks and let him interpret the dark songs of Verjnuarmu with vigor and wrath.

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Puijon Perkele was famous of his tearing voice and vile nature. This matter was to be taken care of as Puijon Verjnuatmu was conjured back to the world of living.

verjnuarmu pimmeyvven ruhtinas

Prince of Darkness was pleased with his loyal minions and commanded them to spred their dark message with devotion and black hearts. Verjnuarmu was originated in the dark forests of Savo lit by the gloomy light of the black moon.

verjnuarmu pimmeyvven ruhtinas

Savon Surma and Musta Savo began to work on their murky tunes under the overseeing eye of the Prince of Darkness. Veiled by the obscurity of the night, Prince of Darkness raised two long lost souls, Musta Savo and Savon Surma, from their graves. Thus Verjnuarmu, certainly pimmsyvven only Savo metal band in the world, was born.

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